Industry background

The asset tracking industry includes the real-time tracking of valuables, transport tracking of logistics goods, and real-time tracking of cold-chain logistics or special drugs and other sectors. The use of RFID technology at the early stage can realize the tracking and management of the quantity and process of the items in the limited range. Due to the limitation of technology development, there is no good solution for movement tracking of items in a large range and across cities at any time and anywhere. The development of the Internet of Things (IoT) technology, especially the LPWA technology makes it possible to track and manage the items in a wide range.

Industry characteristics and the requests for IoT communication

In general, it is difficult to collect electricity for products while tracking the items in a wide area, and generally, it is battery powered and the application environment is complicated and changeable and even worse. This requires that the products used for asset tracking must have extremely low power consumption and the product size shall be as small as possible to facilitate the installation. The operating temperature range shall be able to meet the tests under various high temperature or extremely cold environment. Because the product may be in a mobile state for a long time, the seismic performance of the terminal device shall be better and it is best if the product is waterproof.

The advantages of the module application in the industry

According to the characteristics of wide area movement, the use of cellular modules has become the only choice for the industry. Meanwhile, with the development of the IoT technology, especially the rise and maturity of NB-IOT technology, it will inevitably lead the the cellular modules to be combined with the demand of this industry.

Case Study